As an admin or a regular user with Author permission, you can create three different types of courses: Group-Live, Self-Study, or Webinars. These can then be published and made available for your users to register for right from their library.
From the left navigation pane, under the Author tab click on Course Editor, then the Add Course button on the upper right side of the page. Type a name for your course then click the Add button to start building as shown in the steps below.
All courses start with the same basic information. We collect all the information that NASBA requires, and depending on the type of course you are building (Self-Study, Group-Live, etc.), there will be unique steps. For more information on NASBA best practices for Group-Live Presentations, please visit this page.
This article covers the basics of creating a Group-Live course or Group-Internet / Webinar. To learn how to create a self-study course please click here.
Author a Group-Live Course or Group-Internet / Webinar
After naming your course and clicking the Add button you'll have the opportunity to complete the information requested in the following sections:
1. Course Information Section
- Course name > Naming your course will help you identify and select it off the course list when creating an event schedule and could be edited at any time.
- Course ID > The ID is a system generated number that is unique to a course and is helpful in identifying the various events schedules related to that particular course.
- Course Author > The system will automatically display the name of the admin or author logged in when filling out the form, but if you are an admin creating a course on behalf of an identified instructor please enter the name of the instructor.
- Sponsor > Your Sponsor Profile will be used to generate Certificates of Completion for this course. Choose a Sponsor from the drop down menu to apply to this course. If you haven't created a template just yet please navigate to the left pane and click on "Admin" > "Sponsor Manager" then follow these quick steps to create your Sponsor.
- Delivery Method > For a classroom setting with a real time instructor, a group setting where participants call in to a live teleconference, or a group setting where participants watch a rebroadcast of a program with a real time subject matter expert facilitator, select Group-Live as your delivery method. To create a course in which learners participate individually, with real time interaction of an instructor or subject matter expert, and that includes built-in processes for attendance and interactivity, please select Group-Internet / Webinar.
- Course Level > Choose one of the following levels from the drop down menu: basic, intermediate, advanced or update
- Target Audience > Specify who should attend the course. For example: All CPAs, Audit Group, Financial Analysts, etc.
- Prerequisites > Courses that are classified as intermediate, advanced or update inherently build upon a prerequisite experience or education. Experience or education could be expressed in numbers of years working in a particular area; completion of earlier courses in a series of courses; or an employment position/title.
- For example: if the course level is Intermediate, the Prerequisites could state, "Attendees should have 3-5 year prior industry experience and thorough knowledge of financial accounting principles and practices."
- Objectives > Learning objectives should clearly articulate the knowledge, skills and abilities that can be achieved by participants by completing the learning activities/program. The learning objectives should be worded to describe the “take-aways” for the participant (i.e., what should they be able to do or what ability should they have upon completion of the activity/program). The objectives should not be worded in what the instructor or program developed plans to tell the participant about the course topic.
- For example: After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Differentiate between the three basic levels in an organization
- List the six types of strategic plans
- Associate each strategic plan with the appropriate organization level
- Define the four steps in the organization strategic planning process
- Apply the strategic planning process to create a product marketing plan
- For example: After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Advance Preparation > You may explain any pre-work that must be done prior to taking the program.
- Course Summary > Write a short statement which informs your audience about the subject matter, approach, and applicability of the course.
2. Instructor(s) > Although required at this stage, you'll have another opportunity to edit this field when creating your events, so please feel free to enter your name and email if you're an admin creating the course on behalf of the instructor.
3. Credit Information > Enter the number of CPE hours your attendees will earn after completing your course along with the course category and any special topic these hours may apply to. You may add as many subjects as needed by clicking the "Add" button as shown below:
4. Upload Materials > Upload your handouts if available or any other document(s) intended for the registered attendees.
5. Submit For Review
- When the course information has been completed, select a reviewer and click the “Submit for Review” tab to send your course for review.
- Once the course has been submitted, it can be reviewed by the designated Admin and/or a technical reviewer before it is made active. Before the course will be visible, it must be activated by an administrator on the “Admin > Course Manager” page.
Please note: Once a course is submitted for review by an Author it is not editable until after the reviewing Admin approves the course. The designated admin will be notified that the course is ready to be reviewed, and after reviewing the course can do one of two things:
Send it back with notes of changes they would like you to make. Once you do, repeat the above steps.
- Approve the Course and make it available on the marketplace. Then you are done!
Once a parent course is published, you can begin scheduling an event! Review this article to learn How to Schedule an Event (Group-Live).
Learn how to add an expiration date to Courses to keep your learning library up-to-date.
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