License Renewal: December 31st
Reporting Period: January 1st to December 31st on a triennial basis
CPE Documentation: Instructions for renewal can be found at The Accountancy Board of Ohio.
Hours Requirements: 120 total hours every 3 years
- 90 of the total 120 hours are required to be earned in subjects that directly pertain to the licensee’s professional work
- At least 24 hours must be taken in the area of accounting and auditing if the license holder takes responsibility for or works on any kind of financial reporting engagements or signs a financial report
- At least 24 hours must be earned in the area of taxation if the license holder takes responsibility for or works on any tax engagements/signs any tax returns as a PA or CPA
- 3 hours of ethics CPE must be completed every 3 years and must be approved by the board
*CPE must be completed and reported by 12/31 of the reporting year.
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