License Renewal: November 30th of Odd Numbered Years
Reporting Period: January 1 to December 31st every two years, ending on odd years
CPE Documentation: Licenses can be renewed and more at The Colorado Board of Accountancy.
Credit Limitations:
- Personal Development: Limited to 20% of the required CPE in a reporting period.
- Published Materials: Limited to 50% of the required CPE in a reporting period.
- CR&R Restriction: For periods ending on or after January 1 2010, no more than 2 credits of CR&R can be earned towards the requirement in any period.
Credit Calculations: Measured on a 50 minute hour. At least one full credit hour must be earned in order for the program to be considered for credit. After the first full hour, half credits may count as credit in 25 minute increments. All other fractions of time are rounded down to the nearest half or whole credit.
Hour Requirements: 80 hours within a two year period
- Ethics Requirement: 4 hours. No more than 2 hours may be in Colorado Rules & Regulations. Eligible courses must cover current Colorado Revised Statutes and Board rules and comply with current CR&R Content Outline, which may be reviewed in section 7.8(E) of the Accountancy Rules and Regulations.
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