Vendor-issued certificates for "Self-Study" courses or "Webcasts" could take up to three days to appear in your Prolaera account. In some cases, it's just a matter of relaunching the course and closing out of the provider's course window to capture the course completion.
If, after the indicated time frame, you haven't received your certificate, please follow these quick steps to refresh your status:
1. Navigate to My Dashboard > My Courses
2. Click on the Courses tab then View to the right of the course to open the course overview and summary
3. In some cases, there will be a Refresh button to click first, otherwise click Launch
4. When the system is redirecting to the new window the following message will pop up. Please make sure to disable popup blockers.
5. Once the course has launched in a new window, you'd be able to see your final score:
a. The status will either be marked as "Completed"
b. "Missed" if the end-user had missed the webcast
6. It may take a couple of minutes to redirect you back to Prolaera after closing the window, please do not hit the back button. If it takes longer than anticipated simply hit the refresh button on the browser.
7. Since the time to receive certificates varies, please allow 24 hours to see certificates generated in your Prolaera account. If, of course, this has not resolved within a reasonable time frame please don't hesitate to reach out to us by submitting a request!
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