If you have an existing Prolaera account from a prior employer or for personal use, and would like to merge your records with your current company, this article is a great place to start! You may have already seen an invitation to join your current firm in their company-owned Prolaera account. In this case, follow the steps below to complete the linking process.
If you have not yet been invited and don't have an account within your current company's ownership, feel free to contact the Prolaera Administrator at your organization for next steps. If you have more than one account, our team can assist with merging and account management. Contact us at support@prolaera.com.
Join with your Existing Account
1. When you receive an email invitation to join the firm from support@prolaera.com, login using your existing account credentials.
2. Once logged in, you'll see an invitation banner at the top of the dashboard. Select Accept to confirm to the invitation.
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